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My name is Fred, I'm a creative front-end developer with a focus on user experience. My interest for all web related things started during my graphic design studies and I've found unlimited possibilities to keep learning ever since.
I like Javascript and CSS and working with related toolsets and frameworks such as Vue.js, Typescript, SCSS, task runners, package managers and version controll systems. Reusable code, cross browser compatibility and component based development make me happy, just like swimming, motorcycling en skiing.
The past few years I started a couple of personal projects. These projects satisfy me in both my creative and technical needs. They allow me to explore new technologies and set high quality standards without having to make any compromises. A selection of my most beloved and known projects are listed below.
The mmenu (Mobile Menu) javascript plugin makes it really easy to create slick, app look-alike sliding menus for you mobile or responsive website.
The plugin was among other featured on webresourcesdepot.com and designify.me, the documentation website was features as "Unique One Page Website" on onepagelove.com. tutsplus.com wrote a tutorial and webucator.com made a video tutorial.
The mmenu WordPress plugin combines the powerful mmenu javascript plugin with the simplicity of WordPress' default menus and locations.
This keeps things familiar for anyone who's ever built a menu within WordPress.
CSSrefresh is a small, unobstructive javascript bookmarklet that monitors the CSS-files included in your webpage. As soon as you save a CSS-file, the changes are directly implemented, without having to refresh your browser.
The plugin was among other featured on webresourcesdepot.com and sitepoint.com, the documentation website was features as "Unique One Page Website" on onepagelove.com. CSSRefresh was also used as the basis for the SoFresh bookmarklet.
dotdotdot is a javascript plugin that puts an ellipsis after multiple line content.
It has several usefull additions such as the possibility to keep a link at the end of the text and to recalculate the ellipsis when resizing the browser.
This (purple) tile-based maze game created with Vue.js generates a random maze for each new game.